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  • Private classes and services with Ahura Z.
  • Official page for Ahura Z. Diliiza
  • Download any of the music featured on Ask the Unicorn
  • Paranormal protection service for exorcisms and cleanings

In this episode Ahura answered the following questions:

My partner was in a half awake state keeps getting visited by a woman in black. What is happening?

Have you seen the movie The Other Side of the Door? Do you think entities get corrupted when they come towards the earth?

Are ghosts souls that have been banished to ghost realm for eternity?

What really happens when someone uses the ouija board?

What are your thoughts on psychic surgery?

Can mold be a curse? or something else? Mold pushed me out of the last place I stayed in, infested the place I was trying
to move to.

Sometimes during a particular disturbing lucid dream, I attempted to wake myself, but can’t. What causes the paralysis? Nice dreams are simple to wake from, but the scary ones feel to heavy to come out from under. Any tips on pulling out of a dark dream?

What are some ways to unite with Gaia and the cosmic waters?

Whatchya all been up to?

What does dreaming about crashing planes mean?

Wants to know if there’s any special events or gatherings this month?

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