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My sisters house has always been weird. i slept over in the living room one night and saw a man he was kind of grey looking. he walked closer to me then disappeared. my sister and her family always heard scratching, toys go on by them self then stoping when they come close to it. things falling off shelves, its a really old home over 100 yrs old. we know two people died in that house, but my sister is getting ready to sell it and they took down a door that was built when the house was and her husband burnt the door, ever since thats happened my nephew has been waking up with big bite marks on his arm, and a pentacle on her left side of chest! it looks like a blood blister. but in a star shaped pentacle. i researched this shape it is pegon, witch, is their evil in this house???  please respond. my neice was at my house and asked me who that man was infront of her.. i said maddy there is no man, she said who is that man who is he … does this mean the anitity is able to follow them aswell? shes only 3 yrs old!


Greetings:  I am here.  You are right to be concerned.  I need for you to look around the house both inside and out, and see if there are any grave markers, or head stones.  If you find them let me know.  There may not be a witch there but a witch may have cursed the land.  When is Maddy’s birthday?

I can help.  Please give me a call.


i uploaded an image of his chest today (below)  it is alittle faded but is clearly an upside down star, maddys birthday is janurary 23rd i  think?


Greetings:  I would like to speak with you personally.  I can be reached at the same number.  I will wait for your call Tuesday at noon.  Until then I need you to read Psalms 91 three times a day in your home.  You must also keep a white candle burning in the room where the child sleeps.  I will help.  Peace.  I also need your number so that I can have one of my assistants call you and do the pre interview.  Peace.


i was wrong.. its not a star its an upside down star.. which is worse.. yes they found grave stones in the attict. im not sure how many they found.. but there was one for sure. they will be moving out at the end of the month hopefully. i plan to go over today and recored me talking and see what happens.

i have one more picture,, i didnt think much of it but he has blood blister scratches abouve the upside down star. im begining to think it is a demon. tara my sister said it called her name when she was in the shower, and that these noises are really load stoping and banging on the walls. if i blessed the house.. could i get hurt?


Listen:  You are not capable of performing the ritual.  You must find someone where you are that is experienced.  First there must be a banishing, and then a shielding, and blessing.  The house is obviously angry.  Your choices are clear.  Find a professional that can come there, leave the house, or remove the child completely.  The scratch is merely an introduction so he is safe for now.  Please act quickly.  I would come but it is a long ways away from me, and would cost you too much.  I am sure that there is someone local.  Please look for them.  Peace.

Categories: Ask The Unicorn

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