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Hi i dont know whether anyone has an answer to my question but last night i woke up and saw three white shadows in shape of peopel standing at the side of my bed i was terrified. anyone have any ideas what it could be



Hi Sarah: These sound like astral entities that were drawn to you for some reason. The fact that they had no color meant that they really had little or no connection to you so they may have even been ghosts however. You have nothing to fear as they seemed only interested in your sleep pattern.
Peace. Ahura Z.

Followup question:

hi Ahura,

What could they have been though. Then later when i woke up i saw this bright shadow on wall of a baby or something
Maybe im going mad but i was so scared i woke my boyfriend up last night i was that scared.



It could be that you may have a temporary portal in your home that ghosts are traveling through. This happens. Again you must not fear as there are way to block this from happening. Get a small glass bowl and put a fourth of a cup of white vinegar, and two teaspoons of sea salt in it and keep a white candle lit at night. If this does not abate the events call me.

Categories: Ask The Unicorn

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